The new Strategic Plan tells our story – who we are, our values, our Vision and how we will secure that. It recognises our achievements so far, our commitments, and what we need to do to secure future successes. It also plays an important role in identifying opportunities for our members, supporters, and potential partners to work with us to deliver on key strategies and actions.
Through Key Outcomes, supported by a set of Goals, Strategies and Action, the Plan will guide Board decisions regarding where the Fund’s investments and efforts are focussed over the next three years.
The Wildlife Land Fund Limited Strategic Plan 2022 2024 is available to view as a flipbook and can also be downloaded as a PDF document. Hard copies can be provided upon request.
To view the guide:
- Press the > button to start or click on the pages.
- Use the RIGHT and LEFT arrows to move forward or back.
- Click on the DOWNLOAD button (cloud and arrow) to download a PDF.
We exist because the protection and sustainable management of our natural heritage requires action, and a whole-of-community effort, recognising that governments, businesses, local communities and land stewards all need to play a role.
The Wildlife Land Fund’s Vision is to contribute to an ecologically sustainable future for people and wildlife by conserving Queensland’s natural environment.
The principal means of achieving our Vision are:
- to acquire or bring about the acquisition of land with significant conservation and natural heritage values; and
- to protect and enhance those values through wise and ecologically sustainable management.
WLFL complements the work of other nature conservation organisations by focussing on a network of smaller land parcels protecting threatened wildlife species and habitats. These parcels are generally less than 2000 hectares in size.
- Acquire land with significant natural heritage values;
- Raise awareness of the conservation values of lands acquired by the company;
- Manage these lands to protect and enhance the conservation values;
- Foster community involvement and corporate business support;
- Develop models so natural heritage conservation and primary industry pursuits co-exist in harmony;
- Provide quality organisational management for the company;
- Raise funds to achieve these priorities.
The concept of WLFL as a body devoted to the conservation of the natural environment was developed and fostered by the Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, one of the longest established and most respected conservation organisations in Queensland.
WLFL’s property acquisitions are made possible by government and philanthropic grants, donations by individuals, groups and corporations, cash bequests and bequests of specific land. Wildlife Land Fund and its public fund, the “Wildlife Nature Reserve Fund”, are Commonwealth registered environmental organisations with tax-deductible status. Wildlife Land Fund is a non-profit, limited guarantee public company.
Lands considered for acquisition and/or management are carefully assessed across four criteria:
Category 1: Conservation Values – Priority is given to land that contributes to the survival of rare and threatened taxa, communities and landscapes.
Category 2: Ecosystem Viability and Manageability – Priority is given to land reserves that are viable and robust and do not present severe management problems in the long term.
Category 3: Financial Viability and Cost/Benefit – Priority is given to minimising the financial burden and maximising the cost/benefit ratio.
Category 4: Complementarity – Priority is given to land that is:
- Unrepresented or underrepresented within other public and private reserve systems
- Contains values that are threatened and will otherwise remain unprotected
- While viable itself, may contribute to the long-term viability of other reserve systems.
WLFL conducts its operations through a strong network of paying members, volunteers and experts throughout Queensland, operating under the guidance of a voluntary board of directors.
The WLFL and its operations are guided by a Constitution and a Strategic Plan that sets out and guides how we will achieve our Vision. Our Strategic Plan focuses on the next three years and is reviewed annually to ensure our operations and investments achieve the WLFL’s Vision.